quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2008

Another step back...

I had to take another step back, because I don't have enough money for all my ideias, so I have several projects running at the same time, and one is Wi Fi modding so I bought this:


for some tests (soon i will reveal here the results that are very promissing) here's one example of the utility of this material:


Also today in Lidl supermarket there was this extraordinary buy to do, and I did it:

This NDAS disc is perfect to put at home to share everything a also with the hability to send from where ever I am to the disc at home without the need of the computer being turned on

so here it his i've spent 14,90 € in the Wireless USB stick and 99 € in the disc so now i'm bankrupt or not it depends on the credit card balance.

carputer on hold...

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